Multimodal abilities in adults and youth/children

07/2013-12/2015   Multimodal communication

The project at RWTH Aachen University was supported by the Hannelore Kohl Stiftung (07/2013-12/2015; projects 2013011 and 2015004). Project aim was the adaption of the Dutch Scenario Test (van der Meulen et al., 2008) to the German language in collaboration with the Dutch authors of the original test instrument Mieke van der Sandt-Koenderman und Ineke van der Meulen. The Szenario-Test was successfully published in 2020. The topic of multimodality is further examined in our research group, including the Szenario-Test version for children/ youth (Szenario-Kids) . 


  • Plum, L., van der Meulen, I., Krzok, F., Overbeck, R., van de Sandt-Koenderman, W.M.E., Willmes, K., Binkofski, F. & Bruehl, S. (2022). The Szenario-Kids: Psychometric properties of a novel, participation-oriented language assessment as determined in children and youth without communication deficits. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 38(3), 254-275.
  • Krzok, F., Nobis-Bosch, R., Bruehl, S. (2021). Update Diagnostik: Szenario-Test. Testung verbaler und non-verbaler Aspekte aphasischer Kommunikation. Forum Logopädie, 35(5), 22f. (Request HERE)
  • Plum, L. & Bruehl, S. (2021). Update Diagnostik: Szenario-Kids. Ein partizipationsorientiertes Testverfahren zur Erfassung der multimodalen Kommunikationsfähigkeit. Forum Logopädie, 35(5), 23. (Request HERE)
  • Nobis-Bosch, R., Bruehl, S., Krzok, F. & Jakob, H. (2020). Szenario-Test. Testung verbaler und non-verbaler Aspekte aphasischer Kommunikation.  [Szenario-Test. Assessment of verbal and non-verbal communication in aphasia. German test publication]. Köln: Prolog.
  • Further publications in preparation